Who has never gone to the movies solo? THIS GUY!

I’m gregarious. That is something I made know when I posted my first entry here on Dumb Drum almost 3 years ago and not much has changed since then. Ever since I went to the movies as a child, I always found that one of the best parts of going to the cinemas and catching a flick is enjoying the experience with friends and then discussing it afterwards. The good thing about my friends is that I have a good amount of film lovers in my circle to where I usually have no problems finding someone to join me in even the stupidest films I feel like watching. Well this weekend I finally hit a pothole in my otherwise smooth record and I couldn’t find anyone who could or wanted to join me to see From Paris With Love so I did something I had never done before: I went to the cinema by myself.Now I had wanted to see this film ever since it opened over a week ago and I couldn’t get anyone to go with me then, mostly because of scheduling, so I decided to hold off until later. So last Saturday came and I still had the urge to go check out the film. I called around to the usual suspects and everyone was busy again or just didn’t want to see Travolta on the big screen (so he’s made a few fucking bad films between now and Pulp Fiction, lets give him a third chance, okay?) so I was stuck: delay it again or just bite the bullet and go check it out by myself. So I said fuck and drove over to the theater.

So I arrived and bought my ticket and walked into the theater with no prospect of talking to anyone else for at least two hours after I said hello to the ticket person. “Hello. How are you guys doing today?” he said to me. Now either I’ve reached Kevin Smith proportions and am now viewed as two people or this guy and me were on the same level and thought it was weird that a singular person was gonna watch a film. I progressed to walk in, found a seat without having to worry about another’s comfort and planted myself in the seat and watched the film (BTW, the film was thoroughly entertaining).

So I did it, I had watched my first movie flying solo and you know, I felt no different than a normal tandem movie theater experience. I guess maybe this is just a sign of me being dependent (I’m sure you can break this down psychologically in many fashions) or however you’d like to break it down but it did feel a little relieving. Sure, I like moves and the discussion they create with a fellow film nerd but all that will come with time, no need for it to be instant. Will I do it again in the future? I don’t think so because next time I go see a movie solo, I think I’ll be sneaking my friend Jack Daniels in with me to add to my $8 Coke and enhance my solo movie experience :)

So do you enjoy the theater experience better as a group or a solo experience? Let us know!


  1. I love going to the movies by myself. I'll go see throwaway, popcorn movies with other people, but if I really want to be immersed, and have the movie stay with me after it's over, I go alone.

    The last movie I saw alone was "Fantastic Mr. Fox," and it was a great experience.

  2. The last movie I saw in a theater "solo" was American Beauty, Been wanting to see another film solo ever since and still have not. Is Avatar still playing?

  3. I had a similar experience. I wanted to see Juno when it first came out…but my boyfriend was no having it. So I called my best friend, who has a tendency to lag. She agreed to go and sounded excited. I got dressed headed down to the theater. I almost bought her ticket and decided to wait a few minutes (she usually runs a little late.) Then I get the text. Something came up and she couldn’t make it. I was stuck with the dilemma…go get a refund for my ticket and fly this one solo….so I decided to watch the movie. I actually enjoyed it the experience. I haven’t done it again…yet…but I wouldn’t mind.

  4. I totally go to movies alone! You can get fully engrossed in the story and characters without wondering what the person next to you thinks. I went to go see "There Will Be Blood" by myself, and it was one of the most memorable moviegoing experiences I ever had.

    On the other hand, I saw Spiderman 2 by myself in the theater, and all I remember I kept looking around to see if anyone else was having as much fun as I was. hahah

  5. the only movie i've watched in the theater by myself was Batman Begins. i didn't like it because i like to talk during movies. very, very quietly.

  6. You never call…sniff. Wife and I occasionally travel together then split to separate theatres. Last weekend I saw "Wolfman" (Wow, BDT CAN enunciate!) and she hit "Valentine's Day," (missed that bullet). BTW, your ticket taker may be related to the recently departed former NFL star & broadcaster Tom Brookshire. I passed him at an Eagles game once when I was about 15. I said, "Hi Tom." He replied, "Hi, gang!" Gang? I was solo!

    1. I call you all the time but I think you might have accidentally blocked my number because it goes to voicemail every time.

      And if Tom Brookshire has some Hmong peeps in his family tree then perhaps it could have been!

  7. I believe my first solo experience was with Pulp Fiction. I had just moved away to Fullerton and had no friends or family there. I saw it opening night and subsequently went back the next day and watched it two more times by myself.

  8. lets see the last movie i saw by myself………..X-Men 2 which only happened because i was ultra bored between classes and the Nightcrawler Whitehoue scene blew my mind seeing it a week earlier

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