Someone’s watching (out) for the Watchmen

watchmenlegal-440x2061The whole rigmarole about Watchmen may finally be coming to a conclusion.  According to the latest update from Deadline Hollywood Daily lawyers from both sides are asking the Judge involved to hold off on making his Jan 20th ruling regarding the case because the settlement discussion between Fox and Warner Bros has been “productive”.  This means cash is probably going to change hands and Warner Bros will be allowed to distribute the film on time to the rabid fanbase salivating like hungry dogs for this movie.

Now there is a lot of bashing going on from both sides.  The fanbase hankers for the demise of Fox Pictures executive staff and wishes that they would die in a fire until their bodies were unrecognizable (see a copy WB producer Lloyd Levin’s Letter on the subject here, again thanks to Deadline Hollywood Daily since I was already on the site and they had the link handy).  The more moderate observers feel that Fox is run by a bunch of money-hungry, shit-movie producing sacks, but that WB really should have cleared this up BEFORE dumping millions of dollars into a film.

Regardless of which side of the fence that you’re on, just be certain that if you are a fan of the material, and if the movie lives up to the hype, that you support it as best you can.  The WB is going to be out a few cool million on top of the price of making the movie itself, so if you feel it’s worth it, then tell your friends, family, get the word out.  Spread a little comic-film love and let the Warners know they made the right choice in satiating the people who wanted this to happen.

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