Proliferate the $2 bill!

twodollarsattention please for this nerdy public service announcement…

Jeffersons. Some think they aren’t in circulation anymore. Some think they’re counterfeit money. Some think they’re rare collectibles. Others just think they’re odd. Well I say… FUCK THOSE PEOPLE, THEY’RE WRONG. $2 bills kick ass and we need to share their kickassedness with everyone else!

Time for a history lesson. $2 bills have been around just as long as every other denomination. They were first issued by the Continental Congress in 1776 as “bills of credit for the defense of America.” They were officially commissioned as legal tender in 1862. But when “Federal Reserve Notes” were introduced in 1914 (a.k.a. modern currency), the $2 and $1 denominations were not included. Instead they remained “United States Notes” (a.k.a. greenbacks, issued by the Treasury not the Fed), until 1963. Three years later the $2 bill was discontinued due to “lack of public demand.” Ten years later, on April 13, 1976, the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, a redesigned $2 Federal Reserve Note was reintroduced into circulation (the Bureau of Engraving and Printing pointed out that they could save $27 million by printing $2 bills and cutting back on $1’s). Unfortunately for numerous reasons, and maybe some still unknown, the $2 bill was just never able to catch on. But as Mr. Obama purports: it’s time for change and yes we can!

Reasons the $2 bill kicks ass

• Thomas Jefferson was a bad ass. OK, not really. He was a pacifist and a stoic, and would probably have no love for our movement. And OK sure, he owned slaves, and that’s bad, but at least he gave them some lovin’. And sure, he’s already on the nickel. But screw coins, and screw the nickel.

• You can carry more money and waste less wallet space.

• In these hard economic times it’s important for the government to save money, they can do so by printing more $2’s instead of $1’s. So do your part and use ‘em so they’re forced to print more!

• The signing of the Declaration of Independence portrait on the back is uniquely awesome.

• It’s a conversation starter. A wallet full of $2’s is a wallet full of joy.

• Why shouldn’t the $2 be out there with all the other money having fun? Are you racist against it, you racist?

• The number 2 has special significance to humans. 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 feet, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 2 ass cheeks, 2 breasts. And fellow dudes, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we had 2 dicks?

• Because I said so. Don’t you want to be part of the $2 bill movement? The answer is yes.

Reasons you don’t see $2 bills more often

• People think it isn’t in circulation any more. Those 10 years between 1966 and 1976 were harmful to the $2 bill’s reputation, people got used to using multiple $1’s. Spread the word. IT’S STILL IN CIRCULATION.

• There’s some level of superstition around the $2 bill. Some consider it bad luck. Some associate it with strippers or prostitution (some strip clubs hand out $2’s as change so their dancers get bigger tips).

• People think it’s counterfeit or not legal tender. Find these stupid people and destroy them. Ever heard the story of the guy with the $2 bill turned away by the cashier AND the manager? Yeah. Snopes says it’s true, and it’s scary.

• The $2 bill was reintroduced in 1976, the same year as the United States bicentennial celebration. As a result, some people view the $2 bill as a collector’s item and not actual legal tender meant for public use.

• Only 1 billion dollars worth of $2 bills have been printed and are currently in circulation. That might sound like a lot, but it really isn’t. Once demand from banks, businesses, and the public increases, the Fed will print more. The last series of $2 bills were issued in 2003. The average lifespan of $1 bill is 10 months, for the $2 bill… 6 years. Use them!

How you can help?

Go to the bank and ask for $2’s! This is not a special request, your bank will have them and will gladly provide them. But there’s only so much we can do as consumers…

The key to getting $2’s back in the game is getting the suckers into cash drawers! Unfortunately some cash drawers only have 4 slots (for $1’s, $5’s, $10’s, and $20’s). But most I’ve seen have a 5th slot for miscellaneous items such as checks, or large bills like $100’s or $50’s. When you spend $2’s, they’re generally placed in this miscellaneous slot by cashiers (or under the drawer) and eventually thrown into a cash bag and taken back to the bank! Thwarted!!! If you work at a business that supplies change, ask your manager to request $2’s from the bank. That 5th slot in the drawer belongs to the $2 bill ONLY damnit, shove ‘em in there between the $1’s and the $5’s where they belong!!! Tell the cashier to give them back out as change.

Only you can prevent forest fires, and only you can get the $2 bill out there in people’s pockets. Join the cause. Express support in the comments. Next time your grandma gives you a $2 bill for your birthday and tells you to save it, tell her, “No way gma, I’m spending this shite! You can’t tell me what to do!”


  1. You’ve convinced me, sir. I’ve been of the tribe that save every $2 bill I ever come across but after shining some light on this whole ordeal, I think I’ll be asking for nothing else but $2 bills next time I’m at the bank. And 2 dicks, huh? I’m sure Barrazie would rather enjoy that dream world.

  2. Fuck yeah!! I’m no money racist!! I spend $2 bills (and every other dolla, dolla bill) as fast as I can get my hands on ’em! Nice work Bryan … I’m off to the bank … gotta turn in my ‘ones’ anyways!

  3. I love $2 bills!! Why hasnt anyone campaigned for the $2 bill sooner!!! I say lets get our $2 stash out and head to City Lights!

  4. I hand them out to grandchildren at Christmas and birthdays. They love getting them and fooling with people’s minds when they spend them ! I go to two local banks and they are glad to give them to me, and I spend them all to keep them in circulation.
    Some cashiers hate them with a passion, and those are the ones I go to in particular. Race tracks use them a lot. You know, $2 bets.
    You go, Bryan ! ! !

  5. I'm a GM at a McDs and I have changed my register tills to have the "2" between the "1" and the "5", and my crew have had an easy adjustment to it. Customer for the most part love it, and the crew find it quicker to give out change. For the past 2 months we have circulated at least $2000 worth of "2". I'm going to continue to do so, as long as I'm there and as long as the bank keeps them stocked(They've ran out twice on me).

  6. I'm all for circulating and also, redesigning the $2 bill. I'd like to see that bigger head of Jefferson, and that big numeral 2 on the back right corner and some color added..____I want to become a part time cashier to use $2 bills, BUT you forgot yet another important and awesome denomination that we seriously NEED to get circulating: The half dollar (or 50 cent piece)

  7. Remember, just like for $2 bills, there is a fifth slot at the end of the register meant for halves, and they are still minting halves, but right now, only for collectors to buy with a premium, because the Federal Reserve currently has about a 10 year supply of halves now, so we need to get out and spend those things and save money on less quarters being minted and for the Mint to have more demand to produce them, and most importantly, since most vending machines and self checkouts do not take halves (and there are a lot that do not accept $2s either) we NEED to get out there and spend these two denominations and prove to these vending companies and retailers that it IS worth upgrading their machines for adding a half dollar tube, and programming for a redesigned $2 bill, after proving to the Treasury that it is worth redesigning the $2 bill.____Long live the Kennedy half, and the Jeffereson $2 bill.

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