Teen kills mother, wounds father, blames Halo 3


I can’t even count the number of Halo hours I’ve got under my belt.  Killtaculars? Shit, don’t even get me started(yeah, that was me pal ;D).  But I don’t recall a time during those late night Halo sessions where I told my opponents on XBox Live, “If I win, you kill your parents, if I lose I kill my parents, k?”  Even during those frustrating Sniper battles where dudes are picking you off  a few seconds after respawning, the thought of blasting my parents never came to mind.  Is the kid full o’ shiat?  Who knows, maybe mom ripped the ethernet cable from behind the 360 as he was one kill away from a Killionare.  “Hey mom, FedEx left this at the door for you and dad.  BLADOW!”

1 comment

  1. Ugh…..another one of these cases. I can stand here on my soapbox and argue how dumb it is to compare video games to drugs but rather I will praise the judge on finding the guy guilty. And that whole “close your eyes. I have a surprise for you” bullshit…..COLD BLOODED!

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