Harry Knowles reviews G.I. Joe… and he kinda likes it!

gijoe_scarlett_2Hope for G.I. Joe has always been low for this blogger dude. Sure, Snakes Eyes is going to kick ass but that HAS to be a given when your dealin’ with such a preordained bad ass but ever since that first trailer dropped, everything about this film has reeked of dead hooker. Well, with the film about to drop in about 2 weeks or so, Harry Knowles over at Aintitcoolnews has released his review of the film ahead of San Diego Comic-Con, which seems kinda of suspicious but hey, when Hollywood studios are feeding you some good shit, it’s hard not to bite, right? For the most part, it seem positive and he had fun watching it but that guys seems to be able to sugarcoat anything that has a history from his childhood so I can’t really take his word as bond on these matters. But still, if you do decide to read the review, be warned because it is filled with spoilers. And that pic up there? I just figured we needed more redheads named Scarlet on Dumb Drum this week. So you guys planning on checking out the film regardless of all the negative press so far?


  1. I don’t give a shit what Harry Knowles thinks, I’m not seeing this movie. Nope, no way. PROTEST. Damn you Stephen Sommers.

  2. I am torn.
    On the one hand, I know it is going to be shite.
    On the other hand, something about the last few trailers makes me think there will be just enough goodness there to make me not want to murder the screen.
    I think I will see it.
    Can I write a review?

    1. We’d love to have a review from you! I’ll even join you since Bryan up there seems to really be against the film entirely.

      And like I mentioned up on the post, I too am going in with the lowest of the lowest expectations so as long as there are a few cool action set pieces, I will leave feeling some what justified of the money spent.

  3. will i be there first day?? probably not?? download or watch it on way, very likely. you guys throw me a free ticket or two and i would love to write a review (and stretch out my journalist fingers; i used to write for the school paper). But know now, that it will include my disappointment for not adding Sargent Slaughter and Shipwreck (that navy dude from the cartoon with the parrot).

  4. i have been watching GI Joe cartoons since childhood. a year ago, i was thinking why Hollywood has not yet created a movie version of GI JOE. I am very happy now that i can watch a movie version of my favorite cartoon show.

  5. i dont think im confident enough to give a review of the film since I really don't know the story behind the comic strip anyways, but i certainly like the action scenes and i sooo love scarlet! she's hot!

  6. Cobra commander and Duke are two of my favorite GI Joe characters. the movie is great and i am waiting for a sequel of gi joe perhaps maybe next year or so.

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