Dem Trailers: Paranormal Activity

Not too sure if I approve of how this trailer was presented, with the audience reactions and all, but the film looks intriguing. Not too sure about the run time but we’ll see if this picks up the Blair Witch mantle as the media’s new “scariest movie of all time” as it is being trumpeted. Check out the trailer and see if it causes you to poop ghost poop in your ghost pants. And if you feel like we need to get this movie here locally ASAP, you can head over here and DEMAND IT!, as the trailer said. So far, Fresno has around 30 people going for it. Start clicking, Fresno!


  1. I wonder if that's actual audience reaction or were they told to react that way to sell the movie? That or the reactions weren't for the particular scene they showed and just spliced in whatever they wanted. Either way it didn't sell it to me.

    I'm sorry, but this movie looks like ass. Though it is rated R, so some nudity might balance out the shittynes.

  2. Yeah, the distribution method on this film is unique and it looks like they're trying to experiment using this film. Check out an article talking about this approach here but yeah, I too think this could be the future of film distribution.

  3. I saw this movie and it was the dumbest movie I have ever seen. I saw the Blair witch project and that was scary. This movie IS NOT scary. Do not waste your money. Even the boy working at the movie theatre knew it was dumb and he told me. I should of listened.

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