The Frank Castle of the Import Scene

Did you see it again for the the first time? Remember seeing that there trailer in a pre-9/11 2001? Oh how things were so much simpler back then. The Limp Bizkit song that actually worked with the trailer (again, nostalgia rears it’s ugly head into that thought), the recently out of production Toyota Supra racing a Dodge Charger, that awesome crash at the end….looking at it now, it was destined to be a classic just from the trailer ( I mean, shit….it’s one of those “In a world…” trailers!). And on June 22nd, it was released. And, as a direct result, within months the scene was dead in Fresno. “How can a film change things in the real world?” one might ask. This was one of the first times that I saw first hand the imprint film was capable of leaving in our real world. But overall, was it was a good or bad imprint? That’s the question with this film. On one hand, the attention it brought onto the scene that was, ultimately, the cause of it’s implosion. On the other, it was the fertilizer that caused it to bloom into the $257 billion dollar business it is now. Sellout? Perhaps. But it was going to go mainstream eventually. What I ponder is what if this wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen. Think about it in terms of a musical artist. Would you rather be know for working hard out of your apartment putting out record after record, playing joints that only very few people had actually ever heard of, all before being signed to a major record label and then blowing up or would you take the instant fame that would be thrust upon you by winning a national contest such as American Idol? No training, no background, no history. Just bam! Your a star. Either way, the outcome is the same, but the means of getting to that point are vastly different. This film, as a whole and it’s lasting effects, is not too different from what The Punisher does. Sure, he only kills bad guys, but killing is killing, right? Or is it okay in some instances? Well, this’ll be up for debate for years to come but please, I’d like to hear your views on this anit-hero of a film that is TFATF! Because all in all, I’m just a filmmaker trying to make my own imprint in the real world, without having to resort to Frank Castle-type tactics. Or is that the path I should be taking with Blur?

1 comment

  1. Damn, that shit looks tight! When is it coming out?

    I dunno man. If it had built up slowly it wouldn’t have looked so…glamorous, I think. It wouldn’t have that shiny gloss on it. That thing that made anyone who could get their hands on a stickshift do burnouts at every redlight. It’s like newspaper or firewood, one burns brighter, but one burns longer. Remember driving up and down Blackstone at 11 at night, talkin to people you found, bullshitting, yelling from car to car, finding out where the track was at that night and heading out at midnight, 1 a.m….damn. What if it hit now Roq? When we’re closer to 30 then 20. Would it have been the same to us?

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