Uncharted 2 set to consume my time, productivity

I am not a rich man by no means but I can afford to splurge every once in a while when it comes down to video games. As of late, honestly, I haven’t had the time to sit down and play through some of my more recent purchases which is why on Tuesdays I make sure to hit up Target and scope out their electronics clearance aisles for deal on games that are getting cleared out at rock bottom prices. No more paying full price for games on release day, no sir! At least that’s what I told myself a while back when the titles were stacking up and not receiving proper attention to warrant me spending $60 per title. And so far, I’ve been holding pretty true to that mission statement (I think Grand Theft Auto was the last game I bought on release day). But every once in a while, a new release gets my inner video game nerd jumping around and today is one of those days. Naughty Dog is releasing Uncharted 2 (for which the reviews have been amazing for far) and I got mine’s waiting for me at my local Gamestop after I traded in around $200 worth of games for it (fucking Gamestop and their trade prices) and I’m kinda worried about my two possible scenarios. First, will I be playing it enough to make it worth my money? Second, if I do play it enough, will that be taking me away from other, more important projects and impede my productivity? So there is the conundrum I’m facing. But when it all comes down to it, this is only a sign that I’m getting old because back in the days, I never would have thought in this manner. So I’ve decided to dedicate one whole weekend to play through it all and get it over with as soon as possible. Because of course, November brings us Modern Warfare 2. Aw, fuck…

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