The inurnetz seem to lit up by the news that Ridley Scott returning to the Alien franchise is major news. Sorry, never seen any of the “good” Alien films as my journey into that universe starte with the third film. But Ridley Scott for me has never been an AMAZING director but he does have a few quality films under his belt. Nothing groundbreaking but entertaining, at least in my book. I could be very wrong but I think everyone’s hype-meter needs to calm the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks down. Why the hell did I even write this post up if I don’t give a fuck, you ask? I didn’t want to keep yesterday’s Tweetup post on top during this otherwise slow news day :) Have a good weekend, folks! Maybe I’ll get around to watching the first two Alien movies tomorrow and see what people are excited about. Are any of you guys excited by this news or am I right?
i too never really got into ailens but he should make another Bladerunner movie (and if people didnt know Bladerunner inspired a billion anime series).
Obviously you don't know anything about Ridley Scott. He changed the course of sci-fi with ALIEN and did it again with Blade Runner. He's a game changer of a filmmaker, so you need to do your homework because based off of this little blurb, you sound pretty uninformed.
its hard to tell, is this soppose to be sexy