Children doing martial arts has always made me angry. Okay, it’s not just confined to kids doing martial arts but rather kids trying to do adult things, ya know? Like that kid at Japanese Kitchen who shows up and decides he too can perform the crazy juggling act with the utensils. Eff him and the parents that allow him do stuff like that and ruin my dinner. Sorry, maybe my POV will be changed once I have kids of my own but for now, please don’t allow them to do these silly things. Cool? Sorry, I’m getting off my high horse now but in the mean time, watch Jackie Chan kick these kids’ collective asses. And that Hilary Swank “Next Karate Kid” shit had me rolling!
Yoshino > Japanese Kitchen
Fresno connection! "3 Ninjas" written by Ed Emanuel, Fresno State prof.
God damn that is just what I needed. Laughing my ass off.
"Oh no, not out the windoooow!"