It’s only January and Marvel Comics is bringing out the fireworks like it’s the 4th of July (or was it leftovers from New Years?). 2010 starts off with a bang as Siege begins. The American hero that stopped the Skrulls’ Secret Invasion, Norman Osborn (formerly the Green Goblin, now known as the hero: Iron Patriot) is head of H.A.M.M.E.R., the replacement for the now defunct S.H.I.E.L.D. faces a threat of godly proportions. Land of the Norse Gods’ Asgard; now floating above Oklahoma and that doesn’t bode too well for his plans for world domination, can’t a guy just conquer the world in peace these days? With his position in H.A.M.M.E.R. he calls upon the Avengers (now comprised of villains masquerading as heroes) and the United States’ Initiative super hero teams from all 50 states. After amassing this army of walking weapons of mass destruction its time to go knocking on Asgard’s door. Seeing the destruction of his home Thor leaps into action against these uninvited guests. What can i say about this books epic scope, it certainly unfolds on a large scale but I do feel at times the drive and motivation behind its characters are lost just to rush the book along. The expediency in which they go to war may be the writer, Brian Michael Bendis’ view on how we are dealing with terror which when read does feel vaguely similar. Olivier Coipel artwork on the other hand compliments the epic scale with a cinematic feel from the cover into its splash pages that should keep all of us waiting for the next issue, speaking of which, see you then, True Believers!
i remember this comic some how the story kinda lead to the end of Wolverine "OLD MAN LOGAN" great story bee 2 thumbsup keep'em coming