Dem Reviews: District 9


For the love of all that’s holy, go see it.

More details?  Fine, fine.  Look…the film is mind blowing on its own, *before* you come to learn that the flick only cost $30 million to make.  Before you learn that it was filmed on the Red digital camera.  Before you find out that this is Neill Blomkamp’s first major film, both written and directed.  You watch the movie not knowing any of this and you think, hey…Hollywood finally put out some original, amazing Sci-fi for the first time since The Matrix.  You learn these facts, and all of a sudden it seems like something magical just happened.

I don’t want to hype it up, and I sure don’t want to give anything away, but let’s just say that the advertising campaigns did a great job in working to get people into the theater (hopefully) while not giving away some of the most important plot points of the movie.

Heartfelt, brutal, moving, exciting, and enthusiastic, I’m going to be seeing this one for a second time, I think.  Do yourself the favor and at least see it once in the theater.  The movie exceeds expectations, and likely stands as the best I’ve seen all year.  Let it be the same for you.


  1. I can't wait to go see this! I have yet to hear anything negative about the film and seeing the film had a $37 million opening, I can't help to wonder what a Halo film from the director would have looked like. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.

  2. I saw it and it was good.

    ***spoiler warning***

    There are some valid criticisms of the parallels between the Apartheid and their District 6 in Cape Town and the racial component of the white man saving all the poor aliens who can't save themselves. One might also look at it from the perspective of the the protagonist fucking it up for the aliens and in the end trying to make it all right.

    It is certainly something to think about, but the other aspects of the film are amazing. It's powerful in the sense that you get a taste of understanding those racial components of segregation and xenophobic fear.

  3. It's a rich movie – racial undertones included. What I really appreciated was the avoidance of expected (**SPOILER** biological/chemical warfare **/SPOILER**), though I did like that they threw in a tractor beam at the end for good measure. All around, it was a great experience.

  4. ***mild spoiler***

    Man, anyone who has even brushed up against Half-Life 2 has to be going batshit about the "gravity gun" on the mech at the end. That was awesome. I'll never eat Bacon the same way again.

    But racial undertones there or aside, it was a great piece of film. I personally have avoided going too deep into the Apartheid angle of the movie. While I know it's a fairly easy conclusion to draw about the movie, I'm enjoying the film on it's own merits, without any undertones of that nature. Maybe later I'll delve into the similarities, but for now…mm. District 9.

  5. Indeed. Someone just blast me in the mouth (TWSS) with some bacon (TWSS).

    Bloomkamp's style worked wonders here. Best movie of the year? So far, I'd have to say "Yes."

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