Welcome to my corner of the room. For those of you who know me, I apologize: You got jacked when God was handing out friends. I’m a gregarious, sarcastic asshole who will, no doubt, get on your nerves every once in a while but I hope not enough to stop listening. “So why should I even start listening to you?” you might ask. Well, maybe your friends with me already, maybe I saved your life one time or another, maybe I owe you money and your waiting for me to give out my exact location so you can come and rape me, I don’t know. So what’s the reasoning for this blog? Well, not one thing in particular, just another way to get my projects out there and release pent up anger and what not. Hopefully I can provide you with a laugh from time to time, maybe begin a discussion and hopefully not ignite a malestorm of hate towards myself or my crew. NYUP!
Funk that. Maelstrom away. Do your wurst. You decide what kinda wurst.